About Brandon Cornelius Sr.

Husband. Father. Apostle. Revivalist.
Ambassador of Jesus Christ.

Brandon Cornelius Sr. is a Kingdom empowerer, commissioned as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. His mission is to empower, equip, and guide individuals into the revelatory truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom. He aims to transform lives and influence others to embrace and live out the culture of the Kingdom of God.

A devoted family man, Brandon cherishes his role as a husband to his wife, Denise Cornelius. As a father to their two sons, Brandon Cornelius Jr. and Michaiah Caleb Cornelius he raises them up in the Lord. Beyond his immediate family, he serves as a spiritual father to many throughout Mississippi and across the US.

Together with his wife, Brandon leads Glory Revival Center, an apostolic hub based in Madison, Mississippi. Under their leadership, the center has become a catalyst for life-changing encounters, impacting countless individuals for the glory of God.

In addition to his leadership at Glory Revival Center, Brandon carries a traveling ministry, spreading the message of the Kingdom across the nation. He is passionate about seeing people experience true freedom—breaking free from the bondages of sin, legalism, carnality, erroneous doctrine, and demonic influences.

Above all, Brandon Cornelius Sr. desires to be known as a man on fire for Jesus Christ, driven by a pure love for God and people. His ultimate goal is to lead others into a deeper relationship with Christ and to ignite a passion for Kingdom living in every heart he touches.

Join me on a mission that’s bigger than us

The church has been powerless and cut off from their true identity in Christ for too long.

Burning Flame Apostolic Network’s Mission is to restore the image that Christ has for His church. We do this by first mentoring and equipping you, then empowering you to do the same for others.

We want to see the extraordinary become ordinary in the church. Every day must be revival. Miracles must be expected. Minds must be aligned with the word. Families must be restored.

If you’ve been impacted with these powerful messages, help us take them around the world.

The Mission